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"Ask the world"..... I have 100k, what business do you suggest I do.......

Hello everyone!
It's another edition of "Ask the world". Today we have a young Nigerian youth who is seeking for counsel as to what business he should venture into.

Here is his very own question..... "I'm an educated Nigerian youth who has toiled and saved some money and I'm seeking counsel on what business to venture into.... I have 100k to use as capital and I'd love to hear your suggestions and advise. Please help me!!!

Please let's make this young man happy by contributing to his question.

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  1. To me I'd say that that capital is too small to start up a lucrative business.but my advice is that you find any thriving business and partner with them.

  2. Bro e no easy ooo
    Buy your own better sef,on to say you even get capital. I will suggest recharge card business.
    Good luck bro

  3. Nigerian youths are not lazy ooo!!!
    You can go for fish farming it's quit lucrative, though it's so demanding but you'll get the concept soon enough!

  4. But bros wait o!!!
    You need to have the experience for whatever business you will venture into.
    It's really not about the profits you will accrue, but what really matters is how you sustain your business.
    Without experience you won't last long in the market. So my advice is that you get the business idea and go for the experience first. Meanwhile you can save the money in a fixed deposit until you are done acquiring all the experience needed to start.
    Nice platform @Oche

  5. I think I'll buy into what Roselyn said. Go for the experience bro, don't invest into what you don't know!

  6. Uncle wey no dey fuck up30 April 2018 at 17:49

    I started farming with 50k last year and I'm really doing well. There are people out there that can rent you their lands to farm during the farming season. Vegetable farming is lucrative too.
    But do what Roslyn said get the experience first.
    Good luck!!!

  7. Oche I love this platform. Please how to I get my questions answered too?

    1. You can contact me using the contact handles below the header and we will talk.
      Thanks for your time

  8. You can go into Oke clothes. It is very lucrative and it brings in a lot of cash. Though it might be tough from the beginning.

  9. Before you get into any of the suggested businesses, I'll want you to evaluate yourself and know how strong or weak you are because not everyone can farm ooo
    So I will suggest that you go into the stock market.

  10. This is a lovely platform keep up with good work!!!


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