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Hello good people:
How has been your day?
You are welcome to this platform where we all learn a thing or two from various intellectuals.

Today; we will be talking about cooking. Sounds great right?
Yeah! Well with lots of food inventions out there one can no longer determine whether or not the food they eat is healthy or a sugar-coated poison .
And with the aid of technology, people no longer take their time to cook good food or even eat healthily.

This has taken our generation to a state of eating junks as a norm. To this end, eaglesworth hub has organised an interview with a lady of the kitchen, who will tell us why ladies and guys of this generation cannot cook and will in turn suggest ways to curb the ongoing menace in our world today.

Please help me welcome Miss Blessing Uloh
She is a graduate of Philosophy from the University of Abuja, Nigeria.
She hails from Akwa Ibom state,Nigeria(people from their state can cook for Africa)
Hobbies : Cooking, Reading amongst many others.
She's based in Abuja, Nigeria.

The interview will be done in the comment section below.....
You can also drop your comments and we will make sure you get a reply.


  1. Thank you for honoring our invitation ma'am.

    I will want to start asking you from the basics....
    1. How did you learn how to cook?

    1. You are most welcomed and thanks for having me.
      Now to your first question. I actually learnt how to cook from my mum. While growing up, there was no such thing as house helps in my home, so I just had to learn how to do stuffs myself.
      At age 13, I was already cooking for the whole house, I wasn't really perfect, but with time I improved and right now I can beatvmy chest and say 'I am a great cook'.
      I love to cook, I enjoy cooking and trust me, its fun cooking.

  2. 2. Can you please tell us why the ladies of our time don't know how to cook?
    I came across a video skit on Facebook of a lady who cooked beans with ogbono and was feeding her husband with it.
    He couldn't complain because he wouldn't want to hurt her feelings.
    It's funny yet annoying. So please help us answer that question ma'am.

    1. Wow! That's quite pathetic. Well I believe most ladies can't cook for two reasons: Fear of failure and lazyness. Most women weren't taught how to or rather they refused learning how to cook and now they find it difficult to do so, and because of that they don't bother trying so as not to fail or disappoint anyone. And on the other hand, laziness is the case. Ladies of this generation prefer to eat out rather than cook, they feel cooking is tiring and stressful, so they prefer to eat junks outside.

  3. 3. Let's focus on marriage now....
    Is cooking restricted to the wives alone?
    Base on our cultures and traditions in Africa we all know that the women do the cooking and much more. Now is it compulsory that the husband learn how to cook too? If yes give us your reasons

    1. Not at all. Cooking shouldn't be restricted to wifes only.
      Here in Africa, we have this believe that everything about the kitchen should be left for the women to handle, which shouldn't be. Men should learn how to cook as well, they should learn to give a helping hand to their wifes.
      Its compulsory they (men) learn, it would help them a great deal, their wifes will not always be available to do the cooking, and in cases like that, would they starve?, I don't think they would want to, so all they need do is to go into the kitchen and help themselves out.
      Men that cook are greatly treasured by women, its a plus to them, no woman will give them attitude when it comes to cooking. So it's cool for men to learn and know how to cook.

  4. 4. Can you list out some of the advantages ladies who can cook have over those who can't?

    1. 1. They eat healthy.
      2. They save money
      3. To the married ones, great cooking skills brings their spouses closer to them.Just like the saying goes ' the way to a man's heart is through his belly'.
      4. Ladies that can cook can survive anywhere, especially in places where there are no fast food joints.

  5. 5. We are gradually heading to an era where the woman child is over pampered. Some of them don't even have a full consciousness of what it takes to be a woman. In your own view,what should be done to curb this menace???

    1. I believe mothers have a big role to play in this aspect. The girl child seem to be closer to their mums, so its up to mothers to teach their girls about womanhood and what it takes to be a woman. Pampering a child won't help that child in anyway, it might spoil the child instead. Charity begins at home, so mothers should take out time to imbibe wisdom in their female children, teach them everything they need to know so as to avoid wrong teachings from the society, which might give them wrong perspective about womanhood.

  6. 6. Good work ma'am.
    Is exploring new dishes and recipes wrong?
    I love good food,and I believe every wanna-be-healthy person does. So how does one explore new ideas?
    I believe your mother didn't teach you all the dishes you can prepare now,so that means you went out of your way to explore.
    This is a two in one question....

    1. There's absolutely nothing wrong in exploring and trying out new dishes, I do that from time to time and it has helped me a great deal in becoming the good cook that I am.
      There are so many cookery books today in the stores and on google too, u can get them, go through them and try new stuffs. There are also some TV stations where cooking of different varieties of food are being aired, I've learnt from there too. My mum didn't teach me everything I know today about cooking, since cooking is something I love to do, I always got itchy to learn new stuffs, I got books, I don't miss some cooking shows on TV and ofcos I practice till I reached perfection.

  7. 7. Wow! Nice work there ma'am.
    In pidgin they say: "better soup na money kill am". Now my question is..... Must someone spend lots of money to cook sumptuous and healthy meals? Based on the economy challenges at work now what advise will you give to those of us out there who love eating sumptuous and healthy meals but are not buoyant enough?

    1. Well that's quite true. But there's also a saying that goes thus 'cut your cloth according to your size. You can make do with what you have and still eat healthy and sumptuous meals. Take for instance: vegetables, they are good for the body and very affordable as well. I actually discovered that junk food are the expensive ones you know. Fruits are cheap, our popular ugwu leaf is also cheap, okro, waterleaf, and so many more.
      So you can still eat healthy meals with the little you have.

  8. 8. You said cooking should be evergreen, meaning cooking should be updated constantly, what advise will you give the ladies and guys who can't cook well because they were not mentored. How will a mentor or a coach help make us become better cooks and can you also mention some mentors out there that can help us become better cooks?

    1. My advice to those who can't cook is that they should have the urge to learn, and once they are determined to, they will surely get there. Cooking is not difficult at all and I think having a mentor will really be of help to them.
      They can also get cookery books, google some recipes and practice them as well.
      We've got lot of great cooks in Nigeria who can mentor them..e.g Gbubemi Fregene, he's the owner of Chef Fregz - a private catering buisness... You can follow him on IG @cheffregz...
      Fb:Chef Fregz and Twitter: @Chef_Fregz. And we also have Chef Uche Umeadi, a professional cook, started cooking at age 8. He has a degree in B.A Communication and Language Art, from the University of Ibadan...Twitter handle: @kachofficial. And a host of others.

  9. Ma'am can you please write a descriptive essay on how you prepare your best local food(efik)

    1. Hmm. Nice one. That should be Ekpan-kukwo.
      Ingredients- water yam, cocoyam, green (aleifo), periwinkle, cowskin(kpomo), crayfish, palm oil, onion, pepper, maggi, salt and ofcos water.
      Method Of Preparation:
      Step 1: you grate your cocoyam and water yam, and mix together.
      Step 2: you wrap the mixture with your green (aleifo).
      Step 3: you rubb palm oil at the bottom of your pot, to avoid burning.
      Step 4: you neatly arrange the wrapped mixture in your pot.
      Step 5: you put all your ingredients, neatly washed at the top and add little oil again, and then you pour in your water(a cup, depending on the quantity you're cooking). Then u allow to cook for 10-15mints, then you stair to mix everything together ( gently though). And allow to cook for about 20mints, and then you bring down and serve.

  10. 10. Thanks for all these tips.
    Before you go, can you please tell us the advantages and disadvantages of eating outside?

    1. I'll say eating out has more of disadvantages than advantages.
      The only advantage I can think of about eating out is the fact that you get to have a taste of different delicacies from around the world, but which of course we can also learn to prepare ourselves.
      Now to the disadvantages of eating out: eating out, to me, is quite risky, when it comes to hygiene, we don't know how clean or unclean the environment in which this foods are prepared are.
      We don't know the kind of water being used, we don't even know the kind of people who prepare this meals. So why risk our life's eating unhealthy when we can cook our meals ourselves, in a healthy and nutritious way. Most of this meals we eat out has 0% nutrients, because all the nutrients might have been killed during the cooking process. There are many more disadvantages of eating out, the bottom line is that, we should reduce the way we eat out, learn to cook, and of course eat healthy and stay healthy. We shouldn't just eat to quench our hunger, we should also eat foods that will nourish our body and fight diseases in our system so we can live a healthy and long life.

  11. We really appreciate your contribution to subject matter.
    God will reward you ma'am.
    We'll love to have more of you some other day. Thanks again.

    So good people, this is a lesson for you and I and as many as it may concern. Share this post to enlighten others.


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