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A poem by Williams Adedotun Benjamin for his Mom....

 The womb that bore me
That gave supply of all I needed from when 
I was no more than fluid until when your heart beat I shared 
In pain and discomfort a journey you took in travail
Till your body was no more yours and appetite compromised
The breast that fed me when none other my system could process
Nature's liquid gold that built a bond of trust between mother and child.
A meal unmatched and all round fixer.
Maybe its just liquid Love.
The hands that carried me,
That held me close in the cold of the night
Living through the darkness of the world
With warmth that none could give and peace none could fathom
The eyes that cried over me 
In confusion of what my heart desires
Through which a first glance of the world I took
Oceans of tears as though they could wash off my pains
A reflection of the sky above in every stare

The legs that danced
To no specific rhythm or tune
A bid to sooth my troubled young heart 
With no schedule or appointment
For my happiness you danced all day and night
The heart that worried
In fear for her frail seed 
That my soul be not overwhelmed by the world you brought me in
That my young heart finds its rest in the grace of Abba
Thought me values and the way to go
Your life you've lived, a ground in which mine found root to shoot🌹

Written and signed by: Williams Adedotun Benjamin


  1. Aww😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩
    This is beautiful. Happy birthday Mama, God's blessings. Amen 🙏

  2. ❤️❤️❤️ simply beautiful

  3. From deep within this was written ❤️

  4. From deep within the words flowed❤️God bless your Mum🙏

  5. Thank you all so much. I'm grateful and humbled❤


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